Matrox Mystique 220
Bus | PCI |
Memory | 4 MB |
Memory type | SGRAM |
Memory bus width | |
Fab | |
Core clock | 66 MHz |
Memory clock | 98 MHz |
Connectors | VGA, Video-connector |
Year | 1997 |
Initial price |
RAMDAC running at 220 MHz (Original Matrox Mystique has 170 MHz RAMDAC)
Chip MGA-1164SG-A "Cyclone", card model MY220P/4BN/20
Video-connector is used with installed Rainbow Runner Studio add-on card.
Chip MGA-1164SG-A "Cyclone", card model MY220P/4BN/20
Video-connector is used with installed Rainbow Runner Studio add-on card.